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来源:中国建筑加固改造与病害处理网 浏览:1945次 发布日期: 2012-06-01 10:13


李清洋  申克常  杨晨  李辉




The analysis and suggestion of treating about a hotel which is planed storey-adding

Li QingyangShen KechangYang ChenLi Hui

(Beijing Sanmao Test & Appraiser of Construction Engineering Co.,Ltd .Beijing 100088)

AbstractIn order to satisfy the construction function,a hotel,which is a seven-story concrete framed structure,is planed storey-adding transformation by increasing two layer steel structure.Because there is comparatively big change in entirety stiffnessperiod and mass after storey-adding transformation,it is needed to analyse integrity of the structure.By the comparative analysis in the force function of original structure and storey-adding transformation structure,and the check in Component reinforcement and entirety deformation.the book is demonstrated the rationality of the storey-adding transformation and proposed feasible reinforcement program.

KeywordStorey-adding Transformation   displacement    braced    cycle
